CBHS 2016 Table 20.22 Age by General Health, CNMI: 2016

DescriptionTable DataChart and Figure Data
CBHS 2016

CBHS 2016

CBHS 2016 Table 20.22 Age by General Health, CNMI: 2016

CNMI Behavioral Health Survey 2016

    15-29 30-44 45-59 60-74 75+ Median
Source: 2016 CNMI Health Survey (CBHS and NCDS)
General health Excellent 102 329 441 119 17 47.5
General health Very good 175 690 956 328 68 48.8
General health Good 622 1,519 2,571 848 73 48.9
General health Fair or okay 1,086 1,319 2,316 961 118 48.2
General health Poor or not good 108 294 288 28 42.8
time since visit Within last year 595 1,413 2,122 1,262 90 50.2
time since visit 1 to 2 years 459 765 1,105 384 96 47.5
time since visit 2 to 5 yrs 209 499 746 187 47.3
time since visit 5 or more yrs 210 571 1,199 169 51 49
time since visit Never 621 902 1,400 282 39 46.1
Needed medical care Yes 267 721 1,133 294 5 47.9
Needed medical care No 1,827 3,429 5,440 1,990 271 48.4
Health insurance Yes 1,308 2,348 3,050 1,363 226 47.4
Health insurance No 786 1,802 3,523 921 51 49.1
Visit dentist Within last year 646 1,198 1,573 645 85 47.2
Visit dentist 1 to 2 years 311 566 1,093 373 34 49.3
Visit dentist 2 to 5 yrs 339 646 912 270 39 46.9
Visit dentist 5 or more yrs 594 1,153 1,949 713 84 48.8
Visit dentist Never 203 586 1,046 283 34 49.1
Permanent teeth 1 to 5 448 2,073 3,226 994 96 49.2
Permanent teeth 6 or more but not all 17 322 1,606 702 68 54.5
Permanent teeth All 51 215 175 79 59.6
Permanent teeth None 1,629 1,704 1,525 412 34 39
CBHS 2016

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