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Press Release for US Census Advance Report for Selected Characteristics – CNMI



Advance Report for Selected Characteristics for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands


Capitol Hill, Saipan – Governor Benigno R. Fitial and Lt. Governor Eloy S. Inos, through the CNMI Department of Commerce’s Central Statistics Division and the US Census, are pleased to release to the public the US Census’ Advance Report for Selected Characteristics for the CNMI.

The US Census had earlier released CNMI’s total population and housing units for all three islands.  The advance report released today is a new 2010 Census data product for each of the four U.S. Island Areas.  It provides data on a selection of population and housing characteristics.

The Advance Report for Selected Characteristics is designed to provide final summary data earlier than the scheduled release of the Demographic Profile.  The Demographic Profiles will include additional population and housing characteristics down to the place level.  The advance report provides data for the CNMI at the geographic level.


The selected characteristics include:


                         Population Characteristics
1.               Sex by Age
2.               Relationship
3.               School Enrollment
4.               Educational Attainment
5.               Sex by Marital Status
6.               Employment Status (U.S. Virgin Islands only)
                        Employment Status and Subsistence Activity (Pacific Island Areas only)
7.               Household Income in 2009
                         Housing Characteristics
8.               Housing Occupancy
9.               Housing Tenure
10.             Year Structure Built


Furthermore, the US Census has scheduled release of the Demographic Profiles by late October, the Summary Files by block level by year’s end, and the Detailed Cross Tabulation early next year.


The advance report can be accessed through the US Census website at:




Alternatively, it can be accessed through the Central Statistics Division’s website at:




Governor Fitial and Lt. Governor Inos express their gratitude to the US Census for releasing said data ahead of US Census’ scheduled time.

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