SY 2017 Table 1.17 Grandparents as Caregivers by District and Island, CNMI: 2010 & Table 1.18 by Island, CNMI: 2000 and 2010

DescriptionTable DataChart and Figure Data


SY 2017 Table 1.17 Grandparents as Caregivers by District and Island, CNMI: 2010

Statistical Yearbook 2017 CNMI CSD
Universe: Grandparents living with own grandchildren under 18 years

District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
District 7
District 6
Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Universe: Grandparents living with own grandchildren under 18 years
Grandparent Grandparent 700 187 466 206 349 115 120
Grandparent responsible for grandchildren Grandparent responsible for grandchildren 416 119 266 116 201 70 73
Grandparent responsible for grandchildren Less than 6 months 38 13 25 10 28 7 3
Grandparent responsible for grandchildren 6 to 11 months 26 18 22 6 18 5 7
Grandparent responsible for grandchildren 1 or 2 years 86 24 60 35 47 16 25
Grandparent responsible for grandchildren 3 or 4 years 77 16 34 14 30 14 4
Grandparent responsible for grandchildren 5 years or more 189 48 125 51 78 28 34

SY 2017 Table 1.18 Grandparents as Caregivers by Island, CNMI: 2000 and 2010

Statistical Yearbook 2017 CNMI CSD
Universe: Grandparents living with own grandchildren under 18 years

Island & Year   Saipan 2010 Rota 2010 Tinian 2010 Saipan 2000 Rota 2000 Tinian 2000
Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Universe: Grandparents living with own grandchildren under 18 years
Grandparent Grandparent 1,908 115 120 1,924 145 113
Grandparent responsible for grandchildren Grandparent responsible for grandchildren 1,118 70 73 1,109 84 73
Grandparent responsible for grandchildren Less than 6 months 114 7 3 80 12 7
Grandparent responsible for grandchildren 6 to 11 months 90 5 7 83 7 9
Grandparent responsible for grandchildren 1 or 2 years 252 16 25 258 21 9
Grandparent responsible for grandchildren 3 or 4 years 171 14 4 182 16 15
Grandparent responsible for grandchildren 5 years or more 491 28 34 507 28 33

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