SY 2017 Table 1.23 Place of birth for the Foreign-born population by District and Island, CNMI: 2010 & Table 1.24 by Island, CNMI: 2000 and 2010

DescriptionTable DataChart and Figure Data


SY 2017 Table 1.23 Place of birth for the Foreign-born population by District and Island, CNMI: 2010

Statistical Yearbook 2017 CNMI CSD
Universe: Foreign-born population

District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
District 7
District 6
Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Universe: Foreign-born population
Bangladesh 101 82 155 17 10 64 58
China 918 548 1448 73 192 5 221
Japan 85 41 380 89 51 22 37
Korea 562 296 718 72 185 8 46
Philippines 3798 2123 5133 791 1164 672 825
Other Asia 183 85 180 53 58 3 118
FSM 536 173 380 123 199 25 29
Marshall Islands 21 7 17 6 9 2 0
Palau 267 86 154 73 136 15 10
Other Oceania 23 3 15 6 5 0 5
Elsewhere 25 8 59 31 40 5 5

SY 2017 Table 1.24. Place of birth for the Foreign-born population by Island, CNMI: 2000 and 2010

Statistical Yearbook 2017 CNMI CSD
Universe: Foreign-born population

Island & Year Saipan 2010 Rota 2010 Tinian 2010 Saipan 2000 Rota 2000 Tinian 2000
Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Universe: Foreign-born population
Bangladesh 365 64 58 713 91 93
China 3,179 5 221 15,320 19 244
Japan 646 22 37 845 30 17
Korea 1,833 8 46 1,725 7 65
Philippines 13,009 672 825 13,928 831 941
Other Asia 559 3 118 4,893 76 283
FSM 1,411 25 29 2,020 40 34
Marshall Islands 60 2 0 117 3 0
Palau 716 15 10 1,217 20 7
Other Oceania 52 0 5 102 0 12
Elsewhere 163 5 5 206 6 15

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