SY 2017 Table 4.8 & 9 Labor Force Participation

DescriptionTable DataChart and Figure Data


SY 2017 Table 4.8 Labor Force Participation by Ethnicity, CNMI: 1980, 1990, 1995 and 2000

Statistical Yearbook 2017 CNMI CSD
Note: Values are percent in the labor force
Universe: Persons 16 + years

Ethnicity 2000 1995 1990 1980
Source: Recent Trends in Population, Labor Force Force Survey Table A12.0 and 2002 CNMI American Community Survey
Chamorro 58.7 69.4 61.9 58.1
Carolinian 54.4 59.6 54.7 49.8
Palauan 62.4 76 72.4 63.9
Other Micronesia 62.6 68.2 64.1 51.4
Filipino 92.4 95.4 94.1 89.9
Chinese 99.3 97.3 97.4 78.3
Other Asian 79.1 81.9 85.4 69.9
Other single 90.3 91.1 84.5 76
Multiple ethnic 65.9 69.9 64.1 58.6

SY 2017 Table 4.8 Labor Force Participation by Female Ethnicity, CNMI: 1980, 1990, 1995 and 2000

Statistical Yearbook 2017 CNMI CSD
Note: Values are percent in the labor force.
Universe: Females 16 + years

Female Ethnicity 2000 1995 1990 1980
Source: Recent Trends in Population, Labor Force Force Survey Table A12.0 and 2002 CNMI American Community Survey
Chamorro 50.8 62 52.4 45.8
Carolinian 42.1 46 44.4 36.7
Palauan 62.4 66.7 65.9 56.7
Other Micronesia 49.8 57.2 52.4 32.4
Filipino 88.6 92.3 89.8 72.5
Chinese 99.1 97.5 97.8 54.5
Other Asian 70.4 70 82.3 38
Other single 80.9 83.2 75.1 58.1
Multiple ethnic 58.8 63.2 57.2 48.1

SY 2017 Table 4.9 Labor Force Participation by Citizenship Status, CNMI: 1973, 1980, 1990, 1995 and 2000

Statistical Yearbook 2017 CNMI CSD
Universe: Persons 16+ years

  Citizenship Status 2000 1995 1990 1980 1973
Source: Recent Trends in Population, Labor Force Survey Table A10.0 and Population and Housing Profiles, US Census Bureau, 2000.
U.S. Citizen CNMI born 12,560 7,050 5,085 3,388 3,092
U.S. Citizen Other U.S. citizen 1,960 2,970 1,600 399 380
U.S. Citizen Not a Citizen 32,857 27,520 19,896 2,302 1,315
U.S. Citizen Permanent residence 3,900 1,706 1,522 620 538
U.S. Citizen Temporary residence 28,957 25,814 18,374 1,682 777
Females 16+ years U.S. Citizen 7,782 4,189 2,688 1,443 1,107
Females 16+ years CNMI born 6,092 3,003 2,100 1,309 1,004
Females 16+ years Other U.S. citizen 732 1,186 588 134 103
Females 16+ years Not a Citizen 20,894 13,844 8,803 651 266
Females 16+ years Permanent residence 2,374 774 713 260 155
Females 16+ years Temporary residence 18,520 13,070 8,090 391 111
Males 16+ years U.S. Citizen 8,467 5,831 3,997 2,344 2,365
Males 16+ years CNMI born 6,468 4,047 2,985 2,079 2,088
Males 16+ years Other U.S. citizen 1,228 1,784 1,012 265 277
Males 16+ years Not a Citizen 11,963 13,676 11,093 1,651 1,049
Males 16+ years Permanent residence 1,526 932 809 360 383
Males 16+ years Temporary residence 10,437 12,744 10,284 1,291 666

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