SY 2017 Table 4.16 & 17 Industry by District & Island

DescriptionTable Data


SY 2017 Table 4.16 Industry by District and Island, CNMI: 2010

Statistical Yearbook 2017 CNMI CSD
Universe: Civilian employed population 16 years and over

Industry Saipan
District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
District 7
District 6
Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Agriculture, fishing, and mining 124 38 94 46 67 62 41
Construction 637 263 435 69 150 153 79
Manufacturing 236 96 240 34 57 21 5
Wholesale trade 207 108 246 56 66 7 10
Retail trade 679 442 934 152 281 81 76
Transportation and warehousing, and utilities 381 125 431 112 192 61 127
Information 155 69 154 24 60 5 29
Fiance and insurance, real estate and leasing 305 126 416 52 104 30 31
Professional, scientific, and management 511 263 792 140 178 37 53
Education and health 839 258 867 251 474 218 178
Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation and food 1,095 683 1,974 423 448 224 672
Other services, except public administration 647 372 905 127 264 107 131
Public administration 568 140 485 207 442 252 320

SY 2017 Table 4.17 Industry by District and Island, CNMI: 2010

Statistical Yearbook 2017 CNMI CSD
Universe: Civilian employed population 16 years and over

Industry Saipan 2010 Rota 2010 Tinian 2010 Saipan 2000 Rota 2000 Tinian 2000
Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Agriculture, fishing, and mining 369 62 41 445 114 64
Construction 1,554 153 79 2,410 205 170
Manufacturing 663 21 5 17,329 18 51
Wholesale trade 683 7 10 665 6 9
Retail trade 2,488 81 76 2,858 109 89
Transportation and warehousing, and utilities 1,241 61 127 1,282 67 100
Information 462 5 29 560 5 38
Fiance and insurance, real estate and leasing 1,003 30 31 940 34 39
Professional, scientific, and management 1,884 37 53 2,062 18 36
Education and health 2,689 218 178 1,882 197 160
Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation and food 4,623 224 672 4,714 324 796
Other services, except public administration 2,315 107 131 2,116 160 97
Public administration 1,842 252 320 1,960 334 289