CBHS 2016 Table 20.14 & 15 Age by Mental

DescriptionTable DataChart and Figure Data
CBHS 2016

CBHS 2016

CBHS 2016 Table 20.14 Age by Nervousness and Depression,CNMI: 2016

CNMI Behavioral Health Survey 2016

    0-14 15-29 30-44 45-59 60-74 75+ Median
Source: 2016 CNMI Health Survey (CBHS and NCDS)
Nervous 0 – 6 17 1,504 1,767 1,909 628 34 42
Nervous 7 – 13 328 202 97 84 17 32.7
Nervous 14 – 20 141 170 39 51 35.3
Nervous 21 – 30 119 175 182 102 17 45.3
Nervous Never used at all 17 4,315 6,736 10,234 3,384 520 47.3
Hopeless 0 – 6 770 836 949 282 34 41.9
Hopeless 7 – 13 85 97 68 39 39.2
Hopeless 14 – 20 68 136 17 40 36.9
Hopeless 21 – 30 136 135 108 34 17 38.8
Hopeless Never used at all 34 5,348 7,846 11,318 3,853 537 46.6
Restless 0 – 6 17 1,594 1,992 2,753 1,006 170 45.9
Restless 7 – 13 470 566 657 260 34 43.9
Restless 14 – 20 372 459 277 130 17 38.4
Restless 21 – 30 594 688 452 124 34 37.7
Restless Never used at all 17 3,379 5,345 8,322 2,728 333 47.4
Depressed 0 – 6 555 1,004 1,090 293 39 44
Depressed 7 – 13 46 79 148 39 48.2
Depressed 14 – 20 68 119 51 17 37.5
Depressed 21 – 30 85 152 141 51 17 43.6
Depressed Never used at all 34 5,654 7,697 11,031 3,848 532 46.4
Everything an effort 0 – 6 856 1,144 1,768 616 85 47
Everything an effort 7 – 13 305 299 249 45 37.2
Everything an effort 14 – 20 311 198 226 79 37.3
Everything an effort 21 – 30 1,033 1,032 1,103 299 23 40.3
Everything an effort Never used at all 34 3,903 6,377 9,116 3,210 480 47.1

CBHS 2016 Table 20.15 Age by Mental Illness, CNMI: 2016

CNMI Behavioral Health Survey 2016

    0-14 15-29 30-44 45-59 60-74 75+ Median
Source: 2016 CNMI Health Survey (CBHS and NCDS)
Mental illness 0 – 6 306 270 203 79 5 37
Mental illness 7 – 13 34 67 6 34.4
Mental illness 14 – 20 51 39 17 40 38.6
Mental illness 21 – 30 34 17 74 17 49
Mental illness Never used at all 34 5,982 8,656 12,161 4,113 583 46.3
Medicine for mental Yes 51 68 74 17 41.9
Medicine for mental No 374 326 226 119 5 37
Local healer Yes 17 22 61.8
Local healer No 408 394 300 114 5 37.7
Suicide Yes in the past 30 days 51 51 51 37.5
Suicide Yes in the past 6 months 51 22 17 17 46.8
Suicide Yes in hte past year 124 50 39 56 33.2
Suicide Yes in over a year 436 611 312 91 17 37.3
Suicide No never 34 5,745 8,338 12,036 4,085 554 46.6
Treatment Strongly approve 34 4,169 6,421 9,402 2,933 441 46.7
Treatment Somewhat approve 1,058 1,109 1,194 628 96 43.3
Treatment Neither approve or disapprove 647 870 904 381 29 43.3
Treatment Somewhat disapprove 408 475 690 204 45.1
Treatment Strongly disapprove 125 175 271 102 22 47.6
Sympathy Strongly approve 17 3,238 5,459 8,425 2,788 413 47.6
Sympathy Somewhat approve 17 1,137 1,123 1,470 605 40 43.9
Sympathy Neither approve or disapprove 800 1,272 1,035 256 46 40.7
Sympathy Somewhat disapprove 916 835 1,062 424 56 43.1
Sympathy Strongly disapprove 317 362 469 176 34 45

CBHS 2016

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