CBHS 2016 Table 20.29 Age by Fasting and Drugs Taken, CNMI: 2016

DescriptionTable DataChart and Figure Data
CBHS 2016

CBHS 2016

CBHS 2016 Table 20.29 Age by Fasting and Drugs Taken, CNMI: 2016

CNMI Behavioral Health Survey 2016

    15-29 30-44 45-59 60-74 75+ Median
Source: 2016 CNMI Health Survey (CBHS and NCDS)
Fasting Yes 2,026 3,952 6,399 2,137 215 48.2
Fasting No 68 198 174 147 62 50
Taken insulin Yes 17 152 384 260 68 55.6
Taken insulin No 2,077 3,998 6,188 2,024 209 47.8
Taken cholesterol drugs Yes 39 277 260 51 59.8
Taken cholesterol drugs No 2,094 4,111 6,295 2,024 226 47.8
Taken high blood drugs Yes 16 152 937 548 73 56.1
Taken high blood drugs No 2,078 3,998 5,635 1,736 203 47
CBHS 2016

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