LFP Housing Characteristics 2017 By Microwave


DescriptionTable DataCharts and Figures Data
CNMI Total

Units with a microwave was 47.8% of all occupied housing units in the CNMI in 2017 while units with no microwave was only 52.2%.

By Island

The percentage of occupied units with a microwave was highest in Saipan (48.1%), followed by Tinian (45.9%), and lowest in Rota (43.3%). Conversely, the percentage of occupied units with no microwave was 56.7% in Rota, 54.1% in Tinian, and 52.2% in Saipan.

By Saipan Districts

Within Saipan, the percentage of all units with a microwave was highest in Districts 5 (62.0%) and was lowest in District 2 (35.6%). See Chart H13.1 and Table H13.1 for detail.

Housing Characteristics

LFS 2017 Table H13.1

Labor Force Participation Measures
Table H13.1 Occupied Housing Units by Microwave, by Island, and by District: CNMI, 2017 4th Qtr.

District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
District 6
District 7
Source: Labor Force Survey CNMI, 2017 4th Qtr.
Microwave Yes, have a microwave 2,135 729 2,556 564 1,252 413 331
Microwave No microwave 2,197 1,321 2,966 558 766 486 434
Percent within Yes, have a microwave 49.3% 35.6% 46.3% 50.3% 62.0% 45.9% 43.3%
Percent within No microwave 50.7% 64.4% 53.7% 49.7% 38.0% 54.1% 56.7%
Percent by Yes, have a microwave 26.8% 9.1% 32.0% 7.1% 15.7% 5.2% 4.1%
Percent by No microwave 25.2% 15.1% 34.0% 6.4% 8.8% 5.6% 5.0%

Housing Characteristics

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LFP 2017 H13.1