2016 Household Income and Expenditures Survey (HIES)


The 2016 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES)
report presents current information on demographic, social and economic characteristics of the Commonwealth
of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) population as well as some key expenditure details of what families and
residents spent their money on. The survey results will provide our government decision makers as well as our
business community leaders the tools they will need to make sound policy decisions. The survey will also allow
our leaders to be able to have a better assessment of our communities and the CNMI population from a treasure
trove of data points. The 2016 HIES is the third survey of the expenditure series since the first one in 1998. The
main objectives of the survey are:

  • To provide new expenditure weights, identify items for a “basket of goods and services,” determine where
    people purchase goods and services, and other useful expenditure details for the revision of the
    Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Consumer Price Index.
  • To supplement personal consumption expenditure in compilation of National Accounts and Gross
    Domestic Products.
  • To obtain selective eating habits and nutritional intakes of residents.
  • To provide population count, population characteristics on labor force, income, employment and other
    key population and housing characteristics needed for policy making decisions.

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