Chapter 10 – Vehicles The information on vehicles comes from the U.S. Census Decennial census and from the Department of Public Safety’s Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Of the 16,000 housing units in the CNMI in 2010, about 3,700 (about 1 in 4) had no vehicle. About 1,200 (about 1 in 12) had 3 or more vehicles. In 1995, about 1 in 10 of the housing units had no vehicle, but in 2000, this ratio changed to about the same 1 in 4 as in 2010. The number of units with 3 or more vehicles remained about the same in 1995 and 2000 and then increased by about 200 in 2010. The numbers of vehicles and their characteristics in the CNMI are collected annually, but have not been passed to yearbook since 2004. The CNMI also collects numbers of taxicabs and landline phone lines but those also have been reported recently.