CNMI Central Statistics Division REPORT HUB

About REPORT HUBConsumer Price IndexEconomic IndicatorsHealth SurveysHousehold Income and Expenditure SurveyLabor Force SurveyPrevailing Wage and Workforce AssessmentStatistical YearbookThematic MapsOther Surveys
Welcome to the CSD Report Hub!!

With the intention of streamlining access to CSD’s statistical publications, CSD is happy to present the Report Hub with the following features;

  • Access to Published Reports (pdf)
  • Access to Downloadable Tables and Charts in Various Formats (MS Excel, CSV, PDF)

If you should have any further questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to contact us at 664-3023, 664-3045, or drop by our office located on Capitol Hill, on the 2nd floor of the Department of Commerce. Thank you.

**Data will be updated once it is available**
NOTE: Prior Publications are ONLY available in PDF (Full Report)

    A Consumer Price Index (CPI) is an estimate of the average price change for a fixed market basket of a constant quality goods and services.

  • The CPI is the primary measure of price change.
  • The CPI is the principal measure of inflation or deflation.
  • The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) uses the CPI as a deflator for their Gross Domestic Product.
Data By Islands (Updated in Progress)
Annuals and Quarters 1-4 Information
**Data will be updated once it is available**
NOTE: Prior to 2006 1st Qtr, Publications are ONLY available in PDF (Full Report)

    CNMI Economic Indicators depict the social and economic conditions of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI).
Data By Categories (Update in Progress)
Available Annual and Quarterly Information
Full Report
Special Cross Tabulation
PWS Business Portal

Previous Release(s)


The purpose of the Prevailing Wage and Workforce Assessment Study (PWWAS) is as follows:

  • Determine the type of occupations that exist in the CNMI
  • Measure occupation specific wage rates for each of the identified occupation in the CNMI
  • Assess the current types and level of skills in the business community to determine areas that might benefit from training and enhancement